Saturday, December 18, 2010

Carp Fish

      Carp is a common name for a wide range of fresh water fish from the family Cyprinidae. Carp is also and informal term referred to many larger cyprinid species and the fish have been recognised human’s food fish. However, popular ornamental fishes are considered one beautiful fishes.

       The two most ornamental carps are koi, which are originated from China before being introduced to Japan, and Goldfish, which were regarded Chinese’s ornamental fish for ages and soon widely spread in Japan. The koi also Japanese’s symbol of good luck and can usually found in a number of exhibitions in Japan and are really famous worldwide as pond fish. Koi and goldfish can endure the low water temperature at 4 degrees and low oxygen levels.
However, in Europe and the United States, the carps are recognised as coarse fish and sport fish

Clown Anemonefish

    Thanks to Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studio’s Finding Nemo, a wonderful fluorescent-orange spine-cheeked clown anemonefish (simply known as clownfish) becomes one of the most recognised species of fish around the world. The fish is in the subfamily Amphiprioninae from the family Pomacrntridge and approximately 28 species are found.

    The clown anemonefish are tropical marine fish and occurs in the waters of Melanesia and Queensland especially around Australia’s Great Barrie Reef and the red Sae. The fish are overall orange, yellow, reddish or blackish with three distinctive white bars and black marking on the fins. The smallest species is usually less than 11 cm in length while the largest can reach a length of 18 cm and commonly named for their multicoloured habitat called sea anemone.
  The nature always astonishes us, all clownfish are born male but they can change their sex only when they want to be the dominant of a group and once they do that, they will become a female forever.
       Clownfish are commonly introduced to the aquarium and the tank-bred clownfish are found less disease affected by stress and have more disease resistant compared to wild-caught clownfish. When a sea anemone where they shelter is not provided in an aquarium, they might lodge in some soft corals or polyp stony corals. By doing so, they can kill the corals and damage the fish’s skin.


      Flowerhorn, which is believed to originate in the man-made hybridisation of cichlid species, are also known as Luohan and their exact parent species are unknown. However, it’s thought the flowerhorn was first seen for sale in the late 1990s on the aquarium market in Malaysia and later become more famous around Asia. People in Far East believe that owning a Flowerhorn can bring them good fortunes in gambling and business.

    The male flowerhorn’s hump is told to resemble God of longevity in Chinese traditions and the owners will get more luck when the hump grows, the adult males consequently become the most popular in the market. The fish wear a unique marking on their sides and people try to interpret them as a symbol. Moreoever, the flowerhorn feature commercial value and they are really commonly kept in an aquarium so a number of tropical fish hobbyists are fond of the flowerhorn

   The Flowerghorn grow very quickly and can reach more than 12 to 18 inches in length and some can live from 8 up to 10 years. This aggressive fish can live in almost every water conditions but the perfect water should offer a pH in the range of 7 – 7.8 with a temperature of 75 up to 80 degrees.

Parrot Fish

   Found largely on shallow reefs and flow of the tides in Atlantic, the Red Sea, Pacific and Indian Oceans, the tropical marine parrotfish are surprisingly beautiful and categorised in a tropical marine life from the family Scaridae. The smallest species can reach the longest 20 cm in length. The always ride along the shallow waters of which depth is less than 70 meters.

    Parrotfish are named for their oral dentition thanks to their interesting characters with many large teeth resembling a parrot’s beak and are used to rub algae from corals. They have bright colours of green, red, blue and yellow with long bodies and big heads. However, the male, female and juvenile parrotfish are hugely different in the bright coloration and coloration patterns. The fish are not very popular in an aquarium.

   One of the fish’s unique characteristics is they sleep at the bottom of the reef at night while they like to shelter in shallow waters. Also, some species will defend themselves from the predators by burrowing into the sandy storm and stay still till morning. Other species have a special capability to cover themselves in a form of cocoon to hide from moray ell at night desert that cocoon when morning comes.


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